Mobile, mobile, mobile
Tony Fish of AMF Ventures commented in his blog on Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, who spoke about “mobile, mobile, mobile” as the next opportunity at the O’Reilly Web2Expo in San Francisco last month.
Thoughts & Thinking on European patent law, technology, R&D and innovation
Tony Fish of AMF Ventures commented in his blog on Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, who spoke about “mobile, mobile, mobile” as the next opportunity at the O’Reilly Web2Expo in San Francisco last month.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
In the December 2007 JIPL&P:
Pat Treacy and Sophie Lawrance, "FRANDly fire: are industry standards doing more harm than good?" One of the major benefits of standard-setting is that, once a key piece of innovation is developed, its proprietary does not exclude its use by others but allows its use by any third party willing to
accept a licence on FRAND (‘fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory’) terms. The authors discuss how enforcement of patents that read on a (in this case: telecom) standard relate to FRAND principle
ECJ Opinion 1/03 of February 7, 2006
EPLA's "Venice Rules of Procedure", November 2006
April 7-8 (The Hague, Netherlands), Search Matters 2008, EPO
April 16-17 (Stockholm, Sweden) European perspectives on innovation and policy. The results of projects financed by Vision Era-Net on innovation and policy practices in the EU are presented and the new key challenges for future innovation policies are discussed.
May 6-7 (Ljubljana, Slovenia) European Patent Forum
May 17-21 (Berlin, Germany) INTA 130th Annual Meeting
June 25-26 (Amsterdam, Netherlands) IP Business Congress, The Annual Event for Global IP Leaders (IPBC 2008)
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